Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Online Groceries and Enlarged Capacity...

Being a Mom of 2 now, online grocery shopping has become my best friend and I have no shame in my game. You order online and the next day you pull up to the store and they load your car for you, couldn't be easier or more convenient!

So Sunday night I ordered all our groceries with the plan to pick them up Monday morning. Except when I pulled up Monday morning they said they never received my order....you mean, the internet failed me?!?! (insert small temper tantrum here) So I went home with the thought that I would re-do my order and pick it up the next day, but then quickly realized the grocery shopping HAD to be done that day or my family would be eating peanut butter sandwiches for dinner. (Holla if you hear me Moms out there)

So I psyched myself up, put both kiddos in the car and geared with my shopping list walked into the store. I am happy to say that with wearing my nearly 3 week old newborn and having my almost 4 year old in the cart, we killed that trip to the grocery store! No melt downs, no hungry cries, no diaper blow outs, it was a success! I left the store feeling accomplished and confident in my Mom of 2 skills. (cue the Rocky theme song)

Why do I share that with you today friends?

See, for some of you reading this that may not seem like a big accomplishment because maybe you don't have children OR maybe you have 3 or 4 children...or more. But for me, this was a major success because it showed me my capacity had just enlarged.

Capacity -- the ability or power to do, experience, or understand something.

I am a BIG believer in always increasing your capacity. I decided a long time ago that I would be committed to always learning, always growing and always allowing God to stretch me in every area of my life. Its easy to remain comfortable in what we already know we can do, or to simply tap out and say "I can't do that" but we don't know until we try.
The beauty of our capacity being enlarged is we won't reach a new level until we just do it. Now friends, this doesn't mean if we don't nail it perfectly the first time we automatically fail or won't ever be able to do it. We must understand the beauty of the process is found in Gods grace. Only because of His grace, do we get better and better as we enlarge and take on more and more.

When I first began in full-time ministry, I quickly went from being the Childrens Pastor and Office Administrator to being the Childrens Pastor, Office Administrator, Worship Pastor and Youth Pastor.
And did I mention I was also a newlywed? I went from spinning 3 plates comfortably, to all of a sudden (at my own request) spinning 5 plates! I learned really fast what "enlarging your capacity" meant. (I also quickly learned time management skills) In that season, it took me time and a whole lot of grace to grow and excel, but leaning into God and following His lead, He equipped me to do it. I look back at that season of life and realize God used it to prepare me for so many things that come naturally to me now.

Thats the thing about enlarging our capacity; what once was the "gigantic-I'll never get the hang of this-way too difficult-cant stretch anymore-season" will soon simply become your warm up as you glide into the next season of growth.

For my husband and I, with our awesomely blessed full schedule, two children is obviously a new journey for us. A new journey that we are super excited about and have prayed for. Its a new journey filled with incredible God moments just waiting for us to unpack and explore. Its a journey in which it is necessary we lean on Gods grace in everything and realize that He has ALREADY graced us for these moments.

Being a Mom in full time ministry is a precious gift. As my capacity grows and stretches, I lean back into His grace, I listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit. I recognize the power and direction of God in my life and I trust Him to speak to me, to guide me and to lead me.

You my friend must do the same. Wherever you are, you can grow past it. However much you can handle, you can handle more. If you are currently spinning 3 plates, challenge yourself to spin 4. Teach someone else around you how to spin plate number 2 and hand it off to them so you can take on the next thing God has for you. However it looks to you today, challenge yourself to enlarge. Take a hold of Gods grace, don't expect to do it perfectly, but expect to be blown away by Gods goodness in it all. And if you need to.....order those groceries online. :)

Friday, July 29, 2016


Last night when I went to bed, I had my entire schedule for today planned out. From the start of the day to the end, I basically knew exactly what my Friday would look like. 

That is until Friday morning came and I was awoken by a toddler with a crusty, sealed shut eye. 

In a matter of moments the course of my planned day shifted and began with a Drs appointment for my daughter who clearly has pink eye. From there it was off to Walgreens to buy the prescription she needed and home to get her comfortable for the day, as she would no longer be attending school. 

By the way in case you were wondering, none of this was on my schedule Thursday night as I laid down to sleep. 

Ever had a day like that?

You have a schedule and your plan is to stick with it so you can get everything accomplished only to find the course of the day changed and the plan interrupted?

I had a choice to make....and when this happens to you....you have a choice to make.

I could have become upset and thrown a tantrum that the things I needed to get accomplished (which are many) would have to be put on hold and might not get completely done the way I had hoped. OR I could realize that maybe the interruption was my true assignment for the day. 

Too often we allow our schedules to get the better of us and never slow down to really see the things which are most important. When interruptions come, they can be frustrating, but if we would just slow down and look deeper we could see what is behind the interruption.

That interruption at the office, may be a God appointment for you to share Jesus with a co-worker. That interruption at home, might be a chance for you to have the needed conversation with your spouse. 
That interruption in traffic, could be an opportunity for you to spend quiet time with your creator.

I think if we pay attention we would see that sometimes all the assignments that we feel are so important, pale in comparison to the assignments God has specifically designed for us. 

God never causes negative circumstances to happen to us, but He will use them in our lives. Its all in how we decide to view the interruptions we encounter. 

Today, I choose to see the interruption in my schedule as an opportunity to love on my baby girl and spend the day with her, knowing I will still get everything else done, but fully enjoying my assignment in this moment. 

We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps. Proverbs 16:9

Friday, February 12, 2016

Have We Become Numb?

It's so easy to look at our world right now and ask, "what is going on?!" (insert high pitched voice here)

We scroll through Twitter and are bombarded with school shootings, racism, hate crimes, out of control celebrities, insane news reports and I could just keep going on...and on....and on....our world is a dark place.

Just this morning there was a tragic, senseless shooting at a Glendale high school where two 15 year old girls lost their lives. As I was praying for their families and friends involved and for the culture of our community, I heard God say the word "NUMB."

It stopped me in my tracks because I thought...wow, have these occurrences become the norm? And if that is true are they so normal that we have become numb to them? Meaning, we scroll through Twitter we see the news report, we re-tweet it with a #PrayersUp and then we are onto the next re-tweet of the sale at Hollister? Like retweeting the news report was our daily good deed?

Because if thats it, we have failed. Miserably.

So my question to you is, WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?

The famous last words of Jesus before He went back to Heaven....
"Jesus, undeterred, went right ahead and gave his charge: “God authorized and commanded me to commission you: Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. I’ll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20 MSG
This wasn't a casual suggestion. Jesus was telling His disciples (US!) to go out and change the world starting with the person right next to you and then another person around you and then your group of friends and then their group of friends and then that group of friends.....
We may not be able to reach everyone but we CAN REACH at least ONE.

Friends, what if when we read these words of Jesus we took them as: I am personally responsible for making sure every person I encounter knows Jesus and is going to Heaven.

Why? Whats the point? Because Jesus said we are the light of this world.
WE ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD, not a burned out bulb and not a dimmed bulb but THE BRIGHTEST bulb that illuminates an entire room!

When everything around us looks dark, we are the ones who rise up and bring light.
We are the ones loving when others are shunning.
We are the ones with joy when others are down.
We are the ones sharing Gods Words when others are sharing gossip.
We are the ones including everyone, when others are excluding.
We are the ones bringing the love of Jesus into every situation and to every person we know.

The world isn't getting better any time soon, but we can. We can stand up and bring the good news to people that they are loved by the one and only God who created them. That they have a Savior, Jesus, who died on a cross for them conquering sin and death and then rose again just as He said He would to go back to Heaven and prepare a place just for them! We can share with them the good news that they are loved and accepted just as they are and they don't have to "clean up" or "get right" before they come to Jesus. We can make a difference in the lives of others! 
So next time you are scrolling through Twitter, go ahead and retweet with #PrayersUp but then I challenge you look around and see who needs what you have. See who needs love, who needs acceptance, who needs JESUS and then GO.

Why not begin today?

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Stretch it out...

I love our young adult small group and in our time together last week we were discussing being stretched by God. I commented how I feel that's my life on a daily basis right now! It seems every single day God is presenting me new. pretty large, opportunities to grow and stretch. With that one of my friends threw into the conversation....


After busting out with laughter, I took that on as my new life motto for this season. 

One of my daily prayers for so long has been for God to enlarge my capacity. To always give me new plates to spin for His Kingdom and the ability to spin them, WHILE passing off other plates to up and coming plate spinners. The thing about a prayer like that is God doesn't enlarge your capacity without giving you the things to do that will enlarge you. (Enter my current season.)

Just when I think I have hit a groove and am accomplishing things well, another plate or two come spinning my direction with my name on them. And to be honest....that's just as it should be and exactly how I want it.

God didn't create us to stay at the same capacity we've always been. 

If a student who enters high school as a Freshman has the same intellectual level at Senior year, there is a problem and that is very clear to us. Yet in our daily walk with God we choose to stay at the same level as when we first got saved and see that as normal or acceptable. We do just enough to get by and never seek to grow and then wonder why things aren't changing and developing for us. Friends, God expects us to enlarge our capacity, to grow in every walk of our lives and every facet of our relationship with Him; emotionally, spiritually, physically and mentally. Not for our own purposes, but for HIS purposes! To reach as many people as we can, to grow His Kingdom and to live this life He has given us to the absolute fullest. 

God didn't create us to be complacent or average.

When growth makes itself known in our lives we have 2 options. 
1. Step into it, unknown and all. (Grab those plates and spin em baby!)
2. Back away into comfortability.

Maybe God is asking you to spin the plate of "serving in Childrens Ministry" or "get your finances in order" maybe its even "write a book" WHAT IF, its all 3 of those at the same time?
If God has passed us the plates, He has equipped us to spin them and will direct us on how to spin them well when we trust Him. 

Growing pains aren't fun, but when we remember we are growing because God is entrusting us with more, then it turns growing pains into growing gains. Then, before long we look around and we're in a new place. What once was difficult, we can now do with ease. What once seemed impossible is just another part of our day!

Too many people, are backing away into comfortability when they know they are created for more. Shying away from spinning a new plate because of what it might cost them. Is there a cost to growth? Absolutely. But its a cost well worth it when we view it in light of the cost Jesus paid.  

Then He said to the crowd, "If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross daily and follow me. If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for My sake, you will save it. Luke 9:23-24

Who's ready to spin some plates?!


Friday, September 11, 2015

Calling Your Name...

Having an almost 3 year old little girl is an adventure! She has entered the world of Barbies (already?), singing "Let it Go", dancing in circles when there is music in the air and even (gasp!) pre-ballet classes. She is a true girly girl; shrieking at bugs, twirling in dresses and loving all things Disney Princess.

I may be biased...but she is pretty amazing almost 3 year old. (insert cheesy grin)

A few weeks ago the three of us were playing and running around the house. My husband was sitting on the couch calling for our daughter as I was chasing her down the hallway. As she ran to my husband and jumped up into his arms she shouted "SAFE!" and giggled as she leaned back into his embrace. My breathe caught in my chest as I stepped back to take in that moment. The moment where my baby girl realized that no matter what, she is safe in the arms of her Daddy.

Friends, there is so much to learn from this moment in a toddlers life.

How often are we running into the arms of our Father and shouting, SAFE!

Those who live in the shelter of the Most High
    will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
This I declare about the Lord:
He alone is my refuge, my place of safety;    he is my God, and I trust him.
For he will rescue you from every trap
    and protect you from deadly disease.
He will cover you with his feathers.
    He will shelter you with his wings.
    His faithful promises are your armor and protection.

Psalm 91:1-4

He is our rescuer. He is our safe place. He is our shelter, our protector and our promise keeper.

When my daughter is with her Daddy there is nothing like it. She is unafraid as she flies through the air on his shoulders. She is brave as she holds His hand. She laughs like crazy when he tells her a secret. She is loving as she is loved. She is comforted when he kisses her "ow-ies."

I absolutely love to sit back and watch their relationship. I love watching her begin to understand her value from the love and acceptance of her Father. I am often reminded, if her earthly Father loves her this much, how much MORE does her perfect Heavenly Father love her.

How much more does He love me.

How much more does He love YOU.

I recognize, some of you reading this may not have benefited from growing up with an earthly Father who loved and adored you and my heart grieves for you. However, it is time to awaken to the relationship available to you in your Heavenly Father! The Father who... makes you unafraid as you fly in life with Him and makes you brave as you hold his hand. The Father who whispers secrets to you that make your heart laugh, equips you to love others as He loves you and yes, even kisses your ow-ies when life gets the best of you.

He is a good Father. The best we could ever hope for or want. He longs to spend time with us, dreaming and planning. He longs to fulfill the deepest parts of ourselves that we never show to anyone. The hurts, pains, joys and celebrations...He is there cheering us on.

No matter our age, no matter our background, He is calling our name.
He calls us to His arms....


Friday, September 4, 2015

You always have a piece of home here...

How do you capture the trip of a lifetime into one blog?

Im not sure I can, because in all honesty I am still processing everything I saw, learned and experienced on this trip. I know in the months to come I will STILL be processing moments, conversations and experiences I had while in Israel.

When I first received the email invitation almost a year ago I had no idea what to expect,  I was simply excited for the opportunity. Now being on the other side of that invitation, I am a changed person in every way. I grew deeper in love with Jesus, was challenged as a leader, and I was deeply inspired by their understanding of community and respect for one another as people. Being on the other side of that invitation I can now say I have a genuine love for Israel and her people.

As we were leaving our tour guide, Yoav, at the airport he said something I will never forget.

"Remember you always have a piece of home here in Israel."

That sums up exactly how I feel. In only 9 days, Israel left such an incredible mark on my life.

I worshipped in the middle of the sea of Galilee....the place where Jesus called the unlikely to follow Him. The place where Jesus spoke to the storm and the wind and waves obeyed. The place where Peter understood the best place you can be in a storm in close to Jesus, so he took a chance and walked on water to his Savior. In the middle of this sea, God spoke to me "Peace be still" and quieted my heart, just as Jesus quieted the storm so many years ago.

I stood in the Garden of Gethsemane....the place where the fate of all human kind hung in the balance. This was the very place that Jesus settled the decision to save my life. Amongst these trees Jesus spoke the words, "Not my will, but Your will be done Father." In the last 7 years Ive prayed that verse in moments that had life changing weight to them and now here I stood in the same place they were spoken and it wrecked me....here in this garden God spoke to me "well done, good and faithful servant."

I looked over into a Bethlehem field....where Ruth met Boaz. Where David learned to sling by killing bears and lions not knowing one day he would kill Goliath in the same way. Where David practiced faithfulness by tending his sheep and the place where God knew to find David to promote him to King. In this field the angels appeared to the shepherds to tell them the good news of the arrival of Jesus. Shepherds, considered in that time as low on the society chain as prostitutes...yet God made known the arrival of His Son to them first.

I sat on the steps of what was the entrance to the temple in Jerusalem....the place where Jesus was found by his parents as a 12 year old boy "about the business of His Father." The place where Jesus spent time with His disciples and taught. The place we read about in Acts 2, the location of Peters message that brought 3,000 to know Jesus all in one day.

I stood in the tomb....I spoke the words "why do you look for the living amongst the dead?" in the very place the angel delivered that message. I got to experience what it must have been like for Mary Magdalene as, in her grief, she arrived at the tomb that morning to find her Savior and friend was no longer there. What a moment that must have been when He appeared to her. Its not lost on me that Jesus chose to appear first to a woman and gave her the opportunity to run and tell all the others of his resurrection.

I sat in the presence of an incredibly brave Arab-Christian Pastor in Bethlehem, Pastor Steven Khoury. He has purposed his life to see Arabs and Palestinians give their hearts to Jesus. He has been beaten and his church bombed 14 times, yet he stops at nothing. Bravery and Courage lived out.

I listened to a Greek Orthodox Priest, Father Gabriel Naddaf speak in Aramaic of his love for Israel. He stands for peace, unity and love in his Holy Land. His desire is to build bridges between Christians, Jews and all Islamic people. Because of that desire he sacrifices his safety and comfort daily. Such a gentle man with incredible love for Jesus and undeniable strength.

I was invited into the home of Jewish family, The Cohens, to celebrate Shabbat (Sabbath) with them. This family has astounding love for people. They graciously moved all of their furniture onto the front porch in order to host over 34 of us. They cooked one of the best meals Ive ever had and they taught us traditional Jewish Shabbat songs all amongst laughter and dancing. The complete joy that exuded from their home wasn't just for us, it was who they are as people. Genuine love and community.

I had the opportunity to hear from Military and Political analysts and Israeli soldiers. A brave journalist and an Israeli Army Commander. Human rights activist and philosophers. All incredible people that I count myself privileged to learn from.

All in 9 days.

As I began, there isn't any possible way I could sum up my experience in one blog. Because of that you will probably be reading about this trip for the next couple of posts...hope you don't mind. :)

The reoccuring theme of the trip was, "you will come again to Israel."

I can absolutely say, I will.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Lost Wallet or Divine Appointment?

My husband and I went to the movies for our date night last week. The theatre we went to is my favorite movie theatre because you can eat your dinner while watching the movie and the food is super good. We saw Mission Impossible 4 which I loved, but by the end of the movie you are wondering if Tom Cruise is super awesome for doing all his own stunts or just super crazy....I'll let you decide the answer.

The next morning I was getting ready to leave for our Church Appreciation BBQ and thats when I realized I didn't have it. Have what you ask? My wallet. It wasn't in my purse. I re-traced all my steps and came to the conclusion I must have somehow left it at the theatre. I called them to find out I was the lucky winner of a wallet waiting in the managers office....yay me!

Did I mention this super cool theatre is a 45 minute drive from our house?

Im not sure I could have been more annoyed with myself for leaving it there. So with a bad attitude I told my husband I wouldn't be making it to the BBQ because I had to go pick up my wallet and off I went.

Realizing I had a bad attitude I figured I should probably turn Spotify to a worship station so I could get myself right and this is what began to play....

"Away, away from the noise alone with You
Away, away to hear Your voice and meet with You
Nothing else matters, my one desire is.."

My first thought? Ok God, youve got my attention.
Then the song continued....

"To worship You I live
To worship You I live
I live to worship You"

And right there in the car I came undone in the sweet presence of my loving Father.

This drive that began with such frustration quickly became a divine appointment with God. See God can speak to us anywhere and in my car that day, 45 minutes to the theatre and 45 minutes returning (my wallet was complete!) God and I had quite the conversation. He turned what seemed like an annoyance in my day into precious time spent with Him where He spoke to some areas I have going on in my life.

When we take time away with Him, away from the noise, away from the distractions and tune in to our Fathers heart... oh the peace He has waiting for us! The joy and the love, the direction and the vision He is just waiting to download into our hearts!

When is the last time you really got away with God? Away from your cell phone, away from your laptop, away from whatever that thing is that distracts you the most. Don't be mistaken, getting away doesn't mean you literally have to leave and go somewhere different. You can get away in your bedroom, your kitchen, your back porch...it simply means you are quieting the noise and sitting with Him, not out of obligation but out of relationship. Talking with Him, worshiping Him, reading His Word. Sitting still and allowing His presence to be real in your life.

There is a Norah Jones song from back in the day called "Come away with Me"

"Come away with me in the night
Come away with me and I will write you a song...

I want to walk with you on a cloudy day
In fields where the yellow grass grows knee high
So won't you come

Come away with me and we'll kiss on a mountaintop
Come away with me and I'll never stop loving you"

Our gracious Father is asking us to come away with Him. He longs to walk with us on the mountaintops and in the valleys. He longs to be near to you and whisper to your heart.
Wherever you are, whatever you have going on, no matter your attitude.

Wont you come?